Katinka van der Jagt: Displacement – Exhibition at Galleria Vaaga

The exhibition of Katinka van der Jagt opens on Wednesday 13th of April.


The act of being displaced. In this exhibition I explore what the concept means to me, and what my experiences and emotions have taught me about being displaced. Many are or have found themselves displaced, seeking solace and comprehension, but finding that they will have to comfort themselves, in the absence of Maman.

The focus of my artistic path is what artistic expression can induce change. For this I am exploring semiotic modelling, based on the three concepts of sign, context and meaning.  I like to hint at art history, hoping to provoke a smile, or make the viewer wonder. Engaging through interaction.

– Katinka van der Jagt

Avoinna / Öppet / Open: 13.4.–8.5.2022

Ma–su / Mån-Sön / Mon-Sun 9–20

Galleria Vaaga | Kaapelitehdas, Tallberginkatu 1, E-porras, 4. krs. / E-trappan, 4. vån. / Staircase E, 4th floor

Sisäänpääsy D-portaan kautta / Inträde via D-trappan / Entrance from staircase D

Vapaa pääsy / Fritt inträde / Free entrance

Katinka van der Jagt

Katinka van der Jagt is a second year student of Free Art School in Helsinki. Kuva: Virppi Venell.